

Monday, October 29, 2018


We went on a nature hike with the Wild Explorers.

Saw a bunch of stuff, but I really liked checking out these Tadpoles.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

"The Circle" Dust Covers

I put a dust cover on for the first time 5 days ago.
Here is my second attempt. I did 5 of them.

This time I cut the paper to size first, cut out the hole instead of trying to cut the hole while it is on the frame.

I really like the circle instead of the diamond shape hole. I drew the circle by tracing the inside diameter of a masking tape roll, and just used a pair of scissors.

It might be faster to glue a big piece of paper on the frame, trim it with a razor, then cut the hole.
Maybe I will do that in the future if I can figure out a way to cut the round hole well.

After waiting for the glue to dry, I put the wire on them.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Gnome Escape

Acrylic paints on Canvas

Trying some Blues and Purples

Im still trying to figure out how to take better pictures. Took some close ups.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Hung a painting

First time putting a dust cover on the back of a framed painting.

I used too much glue, and maybe this paper is not ideal for this.

If that was not all, it would have been easier to cut the hole before gluing the paper on. 

I saw a video where the lady cut a diamond shaped hole. I think I will cut a circle from now on. Seems to me it would be less likely to tear out.

I will redo it later

I like it.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Thursday, October 18, 2018


With Gloss Varnish
Trying my hand at abstract landscape and new brand of paint.

The blues dried dull. They were real bright when I first painted it.
I tried to bring them back with some gloss varnish. They came back a little.

I don't think I will buy more of that brand of paint.

Without Varnish

Saturday, October 13, 2018


Looking at come water color pictures my Mom did in 2008.

She really was pretty good at it.
She did not paint much that I know of.

Waiting for paint to dry

I started another painting, but need to wait for the paint to dry to continue.

Did a little sketch of a sugar skull. Ive never drawn a sugar skull before. You can tell there is some Eddie in it.
If you don't know who Eddie is - shame on you.

Picked up some more paint from Michaels to try  out. It is different than what Ive been using, so I need to get used to it.

Cloud Photos

We had some crazy looking clouds Yesterday.

Its raining cats and dogs Today.

I would like to be able to paint them.

Maybe some of these photos will help you paint them as well.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ombré Gradation

Can you even say that? "Ombré Gradation"

Anyway Blending

Seems this is a skill I really need to work on with painting. I can do it with a pencil pretty well, but paints - not so much.

Its fun to see the change as you blend the paint to another hue.

Not much to look at, but if you change the color to black & White you can really see how you did on the transistion.
Just another way to look at it to help hone your skill.

I'm new to painting, so Im not sure 100% sure if Im using the right brushes.
For sure, I need to practice more.

There is a definite correlation between paints and blending ease. Weather or not you can get your blending perfect with cheap paints; I'm not sure. It was easier to blend with the average priced paints vrs the cheap paint.
My wallet tells me I need to get better at using the cheap paints.

Keep your brush wet, until next time.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Painted the canvas black. Put some tape on it after it dried, then went to town.

Haunted House

I did this one in a bunch of layers. 


Took picture of previous painting in my frame.

Wild Flowers

I need to get better pictures of my paintings.
It would be a lot better to keep records that way.

Put the others in my 1 frame to take pictures as well.

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